Mobility Exercises To Do Before Every Workout To Avoid Injury Claire Steels is a Personal Trainer for eco-activewear brand Sundried and Director of Steels Fitness (Instagram @steels_fitness). Here are her top 3 tips for how ...
Ever wanted boulder shoulders like a super-hero? Former Royal Navy PTI and best-selling author Dan Fallon shares his secrets with BESTFIT editor Mark Laws. The quest for shoulders like Chris Hemsworth in Thor will no doubt ...
Not only is ‘grip’ referred to regularly in daily conversations, but its presence is seen as positive, and its absence is seen as negative. Yet there are few things within the world of health and ...
Break the goal down into skills. Break the skills down into habits. We all have things we want to achieve and goals that we want to reach, but many of us just end up going round in ...
Great Britain basketball star shares his diet tips to boost your performance when training at home Fahro Alihodzic, Centre for the London Lions discusses his pre and post workout diet tips to boost energy and speed up ...
Big juicy Melons cause harder and longer lasting erection’ shocker! The fact that I now have your undivided attention says a LOT more about you than it does about me, and unlike the ‘softer and ...
The Bulgarian Bag was initially developed to help Olympic-standard wrestlers in America to produce explosive power more effectively. Ivan Ivanov, a former Bulgarian Olympic athlete, was the wrestling coach who wanted to replicate pushing, pulling, ...
Home Training – You’re Missing the Point… There are always times when we must train in less than ideal conditions. Hotel gyms with limited equipment, hotel rooms or just stuck at home with little to ...
The World of Online Yoga: Diary of a Lockdown Yoga Teacher 6.30am: WiFi is reconnecting….. Wifi is reconnecting… What the…??? Wifi was absolutely fine yesterday. What’s happened now?? Urgh… 6.40am: Ok I’m in. Open zoom session. 3 ...
Forget counting calories! By Simon Herbert Most fitness professionals will have you counting calories. That’s awesome; if you have the time and energy to do so. But what happens when you are away from the kitchen scales, eating ...
Coffee. Is it good or is it bad? 70 Million cups of coffee are drunk in one single day in the UK alone, and whilst it is obvious that we love the stuff, we can’t ...
We all have an inner conversation going on in our minds – our thoughts, our internal dialogue. An inner voice that is constantly giving a running commentary, from ‘Yes, I think I’ll go and make ...
Stress: The ‘hard’ truth (and yes, we are talking about willy’s) What Health expert Dr Julia Moltke doesn’t know about making todgers tick isn’t worth knowing, and she has recently announced that stress could be ...
Superhero Zachary Levi spent hours in the gym preparing for his role in Shazam! Here, he explains how he did it, how it changed his life and how, if he can do it, everybody else ...
COMPETITION TIME! 📣 Do you have what it takes to be our next cover model? We are looking for our next cover model! 📸 Our criteria? Just be active and confident over 18 UK-based Entry ...
The Lean Machines predict the fitness antics we’ll be up to in 2019 1. Continued rise of the acronym I hate the word ‘influencer’, but there are loads of them in the fitness world and ...
Alexandra Legouix, YOGI AND TV PRESENTER, AMONG OTHER THINGS, EXPLAINS WHY THE DISCIPLINE COULD CHANGE YOUR WORLD Until 2014, I had done only a handful of yoga classes in my life. Iwas a professional dancer, ...