Mobility Exercises To Do Before Every Workout To Avoid Injury Claire Steels is a Personal Trainer for eco-activewear brand Sundried and Director of Steels Fitness (Instagram @steels_fitness). Here are her top 3 tips for how ...
Ever wanted boulder shoulders like a super-hero? Former Royal Navy PTI and best-selling author Dan Fallon shares his secrets with BESTFIT editor Mark Laws. The quest for shoulders like Chris Hemsworth in Thor will no doubt ...
From the Comfort of Your Own Garden 2020 was a chaotic year for fitness and turned the industry on its head. With gyms closed for months at a time and group exercise classes off the ...
They go together like cheese and pickle, but can you help your children to be less stressed? Education expert at The Profs, Richard Evans, explains how it is possible…and maybe more simple than you would ...
Not only is ‘grip’ referred to regularly in daily conversations, but its presence is seen as positive, and its absence is seen as negative. Yet there are few things within the world of health and ...
Remote working has become the status quo since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. While working from home certainly has its benefits, it is also accompanied by its own set of challenges including working from ...
I cannot afford to be 3% worse, so why not take the opportunity to perform up to 3% better?? That was logical in my head at least. As I prepared to attack the 24kg Kettlebell ...
At 15 years old, Caroline Freedman’s life was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with scoliosis; the severe curvature of the spine. 40 years on, Freedman reflects on how her diagnosis has changed the ...
Break the goal down into skills. Break the skills down into habits. We all have things we want to achieve and goals that we want to reach, but many of us just end up going round in ...
You are never too young, or too old, to learn about this dreaded and confusing phase in a women’s life The menopause is feared by some, misunderstood by others, and is about as easy to ...
Train like the professionals and break your PB and set new fitness goals Not only is caffeine your friend first thing in the morning when you need a kickstart to your day, but it can ...
Drinking Water – The Best Times to Hydrate for Your Health While some people have got hydration down to an art and know what level of drinking water their bodies need to function, we’re not ...
Yoga, Walking and Dancing are the most popular global exercises A new study by Reebok reveals the most popular exercises individuals have been turning to in order to boost mental health and keep active during the ...
Is rebounding better than running? The trampolining trend that’ll help your heart and your head! The global pandemic has forced hundreds of individuals to reimagine their daily routines, with at-home exercises becoming a huge part ...
Calories In this article Barney St Anton discusses the subject of calories; What calories are. The concept of energy balance. How to accurately estimate and adjust caloric intake for your goals. Plus, useful tools that ...
It would not be uncommon to imagine that you have heard that the simple squat is non-negotiable in any workout, for any person, at any time. As true as this statement is, it is largely ...
Happy Hump Day…or as we like to call it, Rump Day. There are infinite reasons to strengthen your backside so we thought we would give you three variations of a simple drill that you can ...
To mark this occasion, we thought it would be nice to share the story of an ordinary woman, achieving some extraordinary things. Who better to turn to for some inspiration than a grounded and relatable ...
Great Britain basketball star shares his diet tips to boost your performance when training at home Fahro Alihodzic, Centre for the London Lions discusses his pre and post workout diet tips to boost energy and speed up ...