There are infinite reasons to strengthen your backside so we thought we would give you three variations of a simple drill that you can perform anywhere, anytime. Well, you might get some funny looks doing this at the bus stop, but if you have a solid bench or seat around the house that is roughly knee height then you will be winning.
Squeeze your bum cheeks as tight as you can and thrust your hips up towards the ceiling. By moving your feet into an elevated position or by ‘marching’ with your feet then you can soon increase the physical demands of this exercise.
Aim for 3 sets of 10 repetitions for a start but build up to 5 sets of 20 repetitions gradually as you gain confidence and competence.
In case you needed any more persuasion:
In fact, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by strengthening your glutes.
Happy Rump Day!
Photo @jamesgrindel