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What are the most popular global exercises?

What are the most popular global exercises?


Yoga, Walking and Dancing are the most popular global exercises

A new study by Reebok reveals the most popular exercises individuals have been turning to in order to boost mental health and keep active during the pandemic.
In a new study, Reebok <https://www.reebok.co.uk> has revealed the most popular physical and mental exercises to do while working from home in an effort to improve health and productivity. Partnering with health experts and psychologists, we reveal the most popular exercises you can do right from home.

We additionally analysed google search data, Instagram data and media popularity (number of articles per year) across over 20 types of exercises to reveal our favourite at-home workouts.

Take a look at the full global ranking of the most popular exercises we’re doing during COVID-19:

Globally, the study revealed that yoga, walking and dancing are the top 3 exercises during COVID-19. **Our experts explain why:


With an average of 1.4 million searches each month, 89.6 million hashtags on instagram and 27 million article shares this year, Yoga is an excellent stress-relief exercise, which involves a series of moving meditations, stationary poses, or postures, which are further combined with deep breathing techniques.

Yoga is a key form of exercise for stretching and strengthening the shoulders, back, and abdominals after a day in front of a computer screen. This is necessary as “failing to combat the daily ‘hunch’ poses detrimental effects to our posture” as well increases the “risk of injury and inability to perform.” according to Harvey Lawton.


Walking is a simple exercise that helps to boost our mood and relieve stress. With an average of 119,000 searches each month and 56.8 million article shares on the topic globally, it is the second most popular exercise for managing burnout. Walking helps to release tension in the body, both in the neck and in the legs. At the same time, walking can frequently reduce the incidence of stress-related conditions such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Walking helps to stretch and strengthen muscles and is also “beneficial for the hippocampus – which is the part of the brain that acts like a brake on the stress response”, says Ruth Cooper-Dickson, Positive Psychologist.


Dancing is a top exercise that can be done in any spacious room you have at home as an instant mood booster and stress reliever. With physical as well as mental benefits, dancing is a great workout that improves grace and agility as it raises your heart rate whilst using your legs actively, helping to strengthen your body and core muscles, simultaneously burning calories and reducing your risk of injury.

Dancing is a great exercise “for activating GABBA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid)— this is an amino acid whose purpose is to calm the brain and act as a fire extinguisher to enable brain cells to suppress their activities.” comments Ruth Cooper-Dickson. “GABBA activation also provides quick and effective stress relief” in an effort to clear your mind after a stressful working day.

Experts Reveal Why Exercise Is So Important During COVID-19

Joe Mitton, founder of Mittfit reveals why exercise is essential “for releasing dopamine and serotonin which both help in mood and sleep” and reduce feelings of stress. You garner the majority of these benefits with short periods of exercise each day.

Lee Chambers MSc MBPsS, Environmental Psychologist and Wellbeing Consultant states that “finding an exercise that you enjoy is vital, as this helps you remain consistent in ensuring you take the breaks and stay active daily. Whether that is walking around the block, dancing in your living room, yoga in the kitchen or a bodyweight circuit in the bedroom, the considerable benefits of exercise on your mental health, especially over the darker, colder months, should be utilised to ensure you feel fortified for the challenging times we face.”


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