Once you detox, your body will no longer use energy to repair itself. Therefore, we have more energy and motivation to do the things we want to do, like being more active.
Our liver performs about 500 roles and so is one of the most important organs in our body. One of them is our filter system; if our liver is congested it won’t work as well. A toxic liver is a toxic body.
Eating fresh organic vegetables while detoxing will be nutritious and will reduce your intake of calories, which means you will lose more weight whilst ridding your body of toxins. You feel lighter, brighter and you will be more active.
As you eliminate toxins the hormonal system resets. This release of toxins will allow your immune system to strengthen, so no more common colds, coughs and sneezes.
Your skin is an elimination organ and so it helps to release toxins that make the skin look spotty, dull and ageing. Eating healthy and organic food full of nutrients will nourish and help the skin to renew and restore itself.
A body filled with toxins will not function properly. Many of us live with pain, stiffness, aches, headaches, digestive disorders, IBS, Crohns disease, depression or insomnia. Detox gets rid of toxins neutralising the body, which will improve health and well-being.
Detoxing the body will eliminate toxins in fat cells causing extra inch loss during the process.
The brain is affected by toxins that can mess with your hormones, leading to conditions such as depression, confusion and even strokes. Eliminate them and get that veg in. Happy body – happy mind.
Toxicity in the body is the cause of disease. Rid the body of toxicity and you will reduce inflammation and attack the cause of disease.
Detoxing isn’t enough to stop male pattern baldness but it will help the hair grow stronger, quicker and healthier. When your hair is able to grow inhibited by internal toxins, you will see and feel the difference.