If the closest you’re going to get to the Ibiza experience this summer is the swimming pool at your local gym, then console yourself with this playlist, which consists of all your favourite club classics. To assemble our latest collection we’ve partnered Jack Shizzle (www.jackshizzle.co.uk), a DJ/ Producer from Leeds who has travelled the world working for Gatecrasher and Ministry of Sound, among others, with DJ PBH (www.djpbh.com), the sound and face of BCM Planet Dance’s mighty main room and who can usually be found opening and closing shows for the likes of Steve Angello and Deadmau5. These two have pulled some absolute stonkers out of the bag, which we hope will help you push through the pain barrier in the gym, on your run or whatever exercise you’re doing. Expect to find classics from Energy 52, Gat Décor and Greece 2000, among others. So, head to Spotify, search for BESTFITMAGAZINE and enjoy. Turn it up!