Gyms in the UK have been open for quite a while now, but how many of us have actually gone back? Some interesting statistics were discovered in a recent survey by the RunRepeat Research Department, ...
Foam rolling is very popular. We all know it is a great tool for relaxing tense muscles, speeding up recovery, increasing flexibility and reducing the risk of injuries. But are you foam rolling correctly? Did ...
Pre-workout meals seem to cause a lot of confusion in fitness enthusiasts. What to eat? When to eat it? How does that snack affect performance and progress towards fitness goals? Surely, eating a healthy food ...
Taking care of our bodies has never been more important than right now. We can all go back to the gym now, and overtraining due to the excitement may become an issue for many. We ...
The ultimate list of fitness fails to avoid at the gym It is safe to assume anyone reading this magazine has stepped into a gym environment. It is also safe to assume there will ...