We’re always on the lookout for new ways to stay fit and healthy, which is why we’re keen to put Reaxing through its paces. Not heard of it? Neither had we, but we’re pretty sure that’ll change. Reaxing have developed a range of fitness equipment that focuses on creating unpredictability using water and sudden interference to activate neuromuscular senses. The effect of this is that it boosts training performance and results compared to traditional static weights and fitness treadmills by demanding your brain and body to work in synergy to remain stable when completing the exercise. Don’t take our word for it, though we loved doing the workout below, but now more and more elite sports organisations such as AC Milan, Juventus and Italy Rugby are using it too, while health clubs and hotels are also incorporating Reax to improve their functional training zones.
This workout considers how the body works in three planes of motion – frontal, transverse and sagittal. When Reaxing products are being used, it enables you to add dynamic instability and cognitive function into the workout to increase the effectiveness of each exercise. The body and mind are working together, engaging the systems needed to produce the movement under load and a neurofunctional result is achieved.
Reax Fluiball
10-12 reps x 3-4 sets
User benefit/muscle groups worked
Quads, core, shoulder complex
Form suggestions
Ensure abdominal muscles are activated to keep core solid throughout movement. Also, shins must be perpendicular to floor and hips straight when lowering down into lunge – this will dramatically prevent injury. Finally, make sure Fluiball weight is comfortable to the user. Do not use too heavy a weight.
Reax Fluiball and Reax Board
10-12 reps x 3-4 sets
User benefit/muscle groups worked
Glutes and shoulder and hip complex
Form suggestions
Feet should be shoulder width apart. Squeeze the glutes together and then raise hips to parallel. On lowering, try and slow the movement down to get maximum effect.
10-12 reps x 3-4 sets
User benefit/muscle groups worked
Hip and shoulder complex
Form suggestions
First, ensure the chain has the correct weight. Then, start with smaller rotations and build to larger rotations where the chain and hips are at opposite movements.
Reax Fluilift
10-12 reps x 3-4 sets
User benefit/muscle groups worked
Core and shoulder complex
Form suggestions
Ensure the weight is not too heavy. Clean the bar to the chest and step up with the flat of the foot on the board. As you step up to complete the movement, snap the bar up to above the head. Hold the bar above the head stabilising the movement with the core and shoulder complex by bracing the body.
Reaxlight wall
20 reps x 3-4 sets
User benefit/muscle groups worked
Total body and cognitive function
Form suggestions
Try to ensure good running mechanics and set your stance before hitting the light at the wall.
We hope you enjoyed the Reaxing workout. To find about more about Reaxing products, visit www.physicalcompany.co.uk/reaxing
HUB 26
This workout took place at Fit 26, located within the Hub 26 complex, which boasts state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, plus a range of classes, yoga, barre and personal training sessions.
For more workouts, visit our Workouts page.