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Mr England shares how he prepares for a competition

Mr England shares how he prepares for a competition


Chris Bramell is a 23-year-old fitness model who currently holds the ‘Mr England’ and ‘Mr World England’ titles. Chris has competed in various competitions over the past two years, representing England and racking up a host of impressive feats. These include: sportsman winner awards at both ‘Mr England’ and ‘Mr World’, where he beat 46 other countries along the way. But how did he do it?

“First of all, just like every fitness professional will tell you, diet is the most important factor. I tend to eat clean all year round with the odd cheat day here and there.

“I think it is extremely important to find a balance with food because as a fitness model you have to maintain a good physique for 95% of the year. It’s not the same as bodybuilding, where you have bulking and cutting phases, if you had to be on an extremely strict diet for 365 days of the year I think I would go insane! Know your body and what foods make you gain weight fast/slow and which ones help you lose it.

“At any moment you could be asked to do a photo shoot or be a late entry into a competition, so my next point is to try to vary your training workouts. Again it’s finding a balance. You must have sufficient rest days and time your workouts well so that you get the best results from your body. I tend to do the usual four-five days a week; weight training two-three body parts each work out. I used to hurdle and compete nationally in the Javelin, so I still like to do that from time to time and I always add cardio to my workouts, such as hill sprints or long-distance jogging. If I feel fatigued or tired I’ll just change up my workout but I never miss it out completely because I always want to be ready. Here is a typical circuit I add to my workout a couple of times a week – let’s see how Kurtis gets on with it!
One minute press ups
Jog on the spot 30 seconds

One minute abdominal crunches
Jog on the spot 30 seconds

One minute squat
Jog on the spot 30 seconds

One minute Burpees
Jog on the spot 30 seconds

One minute oblique twists
Jog on the spot 30 seconds

One minute leg raises
Jog on the spot 30 seconds

One minute jumping lunges
Jog on the spot 30 seconds

One min high knees
Jog on the spot 30 seconds

One min plank
Jog on the spot 30 seconds

Kurtis: “I’m destroyed right now! My cardio definitely took the biggest hit with it being non stop and it felt typically aimed towards the core and abdominals, which is to be expected with fitness modeling, but my abs will definitely be written off in the morning! I’d say this was the perfect workout to add to the end of your weight training session to burn into the fat stores and really target the core. Give it a go and let us know what you think,”

You can follow Chris on his journey, but if you think you have what it takes to be Mr England, then sign up here http://www.mrengland.info/apply/.
