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A Quick Chat With London Paleo Girl and Alt Healthy Becki

A Quick Chat With London Paleo Girl and Alt Healthy Becki


We caught up with best friends, business partners and two of the UK’s most respected wellness influencers; Alternatively Healthy Becki and London Paleo Girl.


You two look like total #bestfriendgoals, do you find it more motivating working out together?

We absolutely love working out together, one of the reasons we began Sunday Sessions and the hashtag #friendsthattraintogethergaintogether is because it’s a lot better having that friend by your side and being in it together.

Becki Rabin aka @Alt_Healthy_Becki, as a health and wellness blogger you must have seen a fair few fads pass us by. What do you think the new trends in fitness and food will be as we move into Autumn/Winter 2017?

I am not a huge fan of fads as those who follow me will know. I like to keep training simple and effective as I think we tend to get a little carried away at times. We are seeing a huge shift in females seeing the benefits of strength and weight training in both the mind and body so hopefully that continues to grow! In terms of nutrition I think we will see a lot more people become vegan and vegetarian which seems to be a huge trend at the moment!

Tessa Seward aka @LondonPaleoGirl, the term ‘Paleo’ is referred to a lot but for those who don’t know, can you explain what it means and why you follow it?

Well for me, and the reason why I preach the ‘modern day’ paleo lifestyle is we have to bear in mind we live in a modern day world.  However adapting it from the foundation of how our ancestors lived has helped boost my immune system, energy levels and overall health massively.

In basic terms it means, removing refined and overly processed foods and just eating real foods in their natural state.  Eliminating  gluten, dairy and refined sugars, eating less grains and legumes.  Focusing on produce that is full of quality protein; wild caught salmon and grass-fed meat, good fats such as nuts and avocado, and lots of fresh vegetables (eating the rainbow). It is also important to remember lifestyle factors such as getting enough sleep, managing stress and having regular exercise.


With that in mind here’s a recipe for Tessa’s favourite Paleo Pancakes:


 2 Eggs (I use St Ewe ‘Boost the Roost’ super nutritious eggs)

 1/2 Banana

3 Heaped Tablespoons of coconut flour (or a gluten free of your choice)

 Dash of dairy free milk (I usually opt for coconut milk, just make sure it’s a sugar free brand)

 1 Scoop/ serving of protein powder (optional/ would include for post workout)

Coconut Oil ( for cooking only)


Choose your favourite toppings, mine are below and pictured:

 Nush dairy free almond yogurt

 Squirrel Sisters chocolate brownie fruit and nut bar


Berries & Passion Fruit

 Nut Butter (Pip & Nut Cashew or Crunchy Almond)


– Combined the ingredients together in a blender, I use a Nutri bullet. Once all blended together pour some of the mix into a pre heated and lightly oiled (with the coconut oil) non stick flying pan. Cook on a medium heat, once starting to bubble, and go lightly brown on the base flip over to cook the other side.

This mix usually makes 2 large pancakes or 4 small ones, once they are cooked top them with your favourite toppings.



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